Sneak Peek... New One of a Kind Necklace for MAC Trunk Show

The materials in this piece are turquoise, druzy quartz, fossilized coral branch, recycled sterling silver, brass and vintage chain. The color palette for the new One of a Kind collection is sand, rose and blue. I "mined" the fossil coral myself a few years ago at the Aurora Fossil Museum while visiting family in North Carolina. I never pass up a good fossil museum... big or small - and this one was a little gem. I spent the day digging in the dirt pile (an unlimited source of Miocene age fossils) in front of the museum. The soil is donated by the local phosphate mine and replenished often. In these fossil rich soils, one may find the remains of ancient sharks, whales, bony fish, corals, shells and other invertebrates. I found a handful of shark teeth, bits of fossil coral and even a fossilized clam shell. What beautiful pieces of history!

I was waiting for the right piece to include one of these little treasures - and here it is.

Check back to see more new work within the week... and if you're in SF, I'd love to see you at the show November 18-19!



  • Kirsten said:

    wow Amy – thank you for that!

    December 08, 2011

  • Amy said:

    your work is stunning, captivating, earthy, beautiful, compelling, unique, rare… even moving. what a creative and feminine spirit you have! your ART is a true inspiration.

    November 19, 2011

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